Exemplification Essay Topics
Created: 17.01.2019
Updated: 06.04.2020

List of Exemplification Essay Topics
- A Stolen Life by Jaycee Lee Dugard
- Advertising, Food and Children
- African American or Inhuman?
- Ambrose Bierce: A Realist
- An Ubiquitous Poem, We Wear the Mask by Paul Lawrence Dunbar
- Analysis of Propaganda: First Theories of Decoding and Effects
- Analysis of Roddy Doyle´s A Star Called Henry
- Are election forecasts ever an influence on voting?
- Are self-help programmes the best treatment for mild depression?
- Are there any amendments that could be made to the US constitution to prevent mass shootings from occurring?
- Are We Supposed to Identify with Sethe in This Novel?
- Argument Against The Death Penalty
- Art And Vision : Paul Crowther
- Ban Trophy Hunting Should Be Illegal
- Beliefs Taken to the Extremes
- Blindness and Sight – Lack of Insight in King Lear
- Boys And Girls By Alice Munro
- Can America reform its gun control laws?
- Can capitalism and socialism co-exist in today’s society?
- Can immigration ever be detrimental to the economy?
- Can online courses provide the same level of tuition as taught courses?
- Can online education be as good as school education?
- Can war ever aid in achieving peace?
- Can welfare payments ever be bad for society?
- Cell Phone Use Should be Banned While Driving
- Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s The Yellow Wallpaper
- Christopher Columbus Was a Murderer
- Cognitive Dissonance: Definition, Political Implications, and Personal Exemplification
- Comparison of Turkeys in the Kitchen and You Just Walk on By Essays
- Contract Law
- Cults and the Moral Decay of Society
- Cultural Impact of Technology Transfer
- Data Collection and Individual Privacy
- David Hume and Justice
- Deaf Culture History Essay
- Death of Science
- Depression
- Determining Beauty
- Developmental Psychology in the Film Mask
- Did Henry VIII have a good impact on religion in England?
- Discrimination Against the Deaf Culture
- Disposable Containers for a Disposable Environment
- Do Ahmadis Deserve to Live in Pakistan?
- Do all homes have the need to produce their own energy source?
- Do farms need to be given more legislation to prevent them from harming animals?
- Do mobile phones ruin people’s social life?
- Do payday loans make a considerable positive change in the local economy?
- Do people become more self conscious with age?
- Do plastic bottles exhibit large amounts of unwanted plastics that are bad for your health?
- Do politicians really care about their voters or is it just to further their career?
- Do religious organizations contribute to the moral downfall of mankind?
- Do spices need to be put into baby’s food?
- Does America need many more leaders?
- Does bribing young children to cooperate bring about a good impact?
- Does capitalism pose a significant problem in achieving world peace?
- Does higher education lead to a more highly civilized society?
- Does parent’s ambition motivate their children to perform differently?
- Does political correctness have a strong impact on freedom of speech?
- Does sexting have a large impact on intimacy for couples?
- Does technology create a shift from manual labor to robotic labor?
- Does the fast food industry understand how it’s leading to widespread health risks?
- Does the meat industry need to face greater ethical scrutiny?
- Does working from the office lead to higher productivity in all cases?
- Donald Trump: Entrepeneurial Ability, Both Born and Made
- Double and Triple Taxation Must be Eliminated
- Effects of the Vietnam War on America
- Emotional Intelligence is Most Qualified Class of Intelligence
- Environmental Sociology
- Everyman: The play
- Evil and Omnipotence
- Evolving Huck in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
- Exemplification Essay: Abortion and America’s Lost Moral Compass
- Exemplification Essay: Abortion is Wrong
- Exemplification Essay: America Needs Leaders
- Exemplification Essay: Cruising Should be Banned
- Exemplification Essay: Euthanasia Should Be Legalized
- Exemplification Essay: Greek Organizations Should NOT be Part of the College Experience
- Exemplification Essay: Gun Control Not the Answer
- Exemplification Essay: Mixing of Religion and the State
- Exemplification Essay: People Have a Right to Die
- Exemplification Essay: Separation of Church and State
- Exemplification Essay: Sex Education In Public Schools
- Exemplification Essay: The Dead-end of Professional Sports
- Exemplification Essay: The Need to Improve the Apathetic Attitude of Young People
- Exemplification Essay: Three-Strikes Law is a Mindless Response to Crime
- Exemplification Essay: War and World Peace
- Exemplification Essay: Welfare, A Vicious Circle
- Exemplification Essay: Why The World Is Doomed
- Fahrenheit 451 Film Vs. Novel
- Feminism and Fairy Tales
- Fighting The Polygamous Battle
- Franz Schubert: A Biography and Musical Analysis
- Global Media Flows Has Changed Our Past Understandings Of Culture
- Has the United States of America experienced a decline in morals recently?
- Hercules in The Aeneid
- High Schools Should NOT Support Costly Athletic Teams
- Hospitality in Elizabeth Teller´s Food for Thought and the movie Chocolat
- How Can We Encourage Organ Donation?
- How does capitalism impact on working-class wages?
- How does climate change impact on the national economy?
- How does the free market economy impact most on small businesses?
- How have the latest wars fueled dictator and totalitarian rise in the 20th century?
- How much of a reality TV show does not constitute reality?
- How Real is the American Dream?
- How should conditions be made more ethical in Guantanamo Bay?
- How should the financial sector be more regulated to prevent the emergence of another 2008 style crisis?
- Idiot Nation
- Impact of the Industrial Revolution on the Environment
- Incorporating Global Consideration for Local Instructional Practices
- Intergrated Communication in the Business World
- Is fake news mainly the result of the free press or social media?
- Is Flag Burning protected under the First Amendment?
- Is gender discrimination an important problem in corporate society?
- Is group learning better than individual-based learning?
- Is homeschooling good for society?
- Is it appropriate in this day and age to outlaw religious education in public school systems?
- Is it important that higher education focuses somewhat on an appreciation of the arts?
- Is it possible to trust realistically what online reviewers have to say?
- Is it right that China abolish the two year system for government leaders?
- Is it right to give antidepressants to animals?
- Is it right to prescribe antidepressants to children who don’t have a full development?
- Is it Time to Change the Humanities Requirement?
- Is materialism the leading cause of many mental illnesses?
- Is mathematics the most important school subject to learn?
- Is professional American football unhealthy?
- Is the rise in smartphone technology leading to people becoming socially anxious?
- Is the war on drugs a failure of government intervention?
- Is there any concrete scientific proof for the existence of ghosts?
- Issue Advocacy
- Jake Barnes as Hemingway Code Hero in The Sun Also Rises
- Laocoon’s Children and the Limits of Representation
- Letter For White Racism Is The Liberation Of The Other From Their Oppressed Status
- Magic and Superstition in the Middle Ages
- Medusa by Carol Ann Duffy
- Mother Tongue by Amy Tan
- Music Essay – America Needs Rap and Hip Hop
- My Definition of Success
- Naturalism Period: D.H. Lawrence
- Nontraditional Women in Jane Austen´s Pride and Prejudice
- Ode to a Nightingale, Ode on a Grecian Urn, and Ode to Autumn
- Once Upon a Times: Art of the Himalayan Region
- Organized Religion Assists People in Becoming Spiritually Fulfilled
- Overview: Someday This Pain Will Be Useful to You by Peter Cameron
- Perspective on Death in the Play Everyman
- Police Prejudice and Racism
- Prevention of Employee Theft
- Professional Wrestling is Not a Sport, It’s Entertainment
- Prostitution Should Be Legalized
- Prototyping
- Quick Wit and Knowledge in War
- Quicksand Analysis
- Quicksand By Nella Larsen
- Race, Ethnicity, and Discrimination
- Racial Discourse in the Film 8 Mile Directed by Curtis Hanson
- Reflections on Media
- Representation of Female Gender Roles in the Wife of Bath’s Tale
- Revelations of Dark and Light in Heart of Darkness by Josephy Conrad
- Reviving Psychophysical Supervenience
- Rises and Declines of the Byszantium and Islamis Kingdoms
- Self Reliance
- Service and Leadership
- Sexual Harassment is No Joke
- Should all drugs be legalized?
- Should American universities offer many different classes or just focus on a single topic?
- Should animal rights organizations stop broadcasting such gruesome videos?
- Should certain school subjects be mandatory to learn even up until the end of high school education?
- Should elderly people have the right to obtain life-ending drugs if they want them?
- Should euthanasia be made legal?
- Should gender biases exist in the insurance industry?
- Should governments outlaw the production of nuclear power plants?
- Should governments try to outlaw the production of meat?
- Should homeschooling be allowed if the parents are under qualified?
- Should it be possible for someone to have a successful career in college without an education?
- Should national supermarket chains in the United States be forced to stop selling guns?
- Should nations aim to decriminalize marijuana?
- Should people allow hallucinogenic drugs to be used by psychotherapists?
- Should people be able to discriminate on grounds of transgender style in the workplace?
- Should people with social problems such as compulsive hoarding get help?
- Should political organizations get funding from the state in order to make elections fairer?
- Should smoking be made illegal in nations around the world just like it’s illegal in Bhutan?
- Should states ban religious cults from society?
- Should the American population consume less meat?
- Should the church and state be separated across the world?
- Should the EU be managed from one central country?
- Should the UK be selling arms to Saudi Arabia when they can use it for bombing other nations?
- Should the United Nations aim to create regulations to do with drone flying?
- Should the United Nations make more of an effort to outlaw torture in the world?
- Should there be government incentives for people to consume less meat?
- Should top-end business executive’s bonuses be capped and taxed more harshly?
- Should voting be conducted in an online manner?
- Should We Respect Pro Wrestling and Pro Wrestlers?
- Siddhartha Essays: Form, Style, and Content
- Slavery Was A Staple Of Southern Economy And Lifestyle
- Social Location And Its Effects
- Songs of Good and Evil
- Studying the Media Rather Than Simply Consuming It
- Summary-Literary Analysis of Mommy, What Does Nigger Mean by Gloria Naylor
- Team Leadership in Business
- Technology Is The Dominant, Determining Factor
- The American Dream as Shown Through Jay Gatsby
- The Benefits of Xenotransplantation
- The Best Economic Environment for Inflation Targeting
- The Bloody, Ten Year Trojan War
- The Book of Songs
- The Cancer of Ebonics
- The Concept of Race in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
- The Constraints on Military Change Between 1660-1789
- The covenants between God and man
- The Creation Of The Hood
- The Criminal Is Not Solely Responsible for His Crime
- The Death Penalty is a Necessary Deterrent to Crime
- The Decline of Morals and Morality in America
- The Difference Between France and Britain
- The Female on Trial
- The Fourth Of August And Black Men And Public Space
- The Government Should Respect Property Rights
- The Greek Economy
- The Impact of Impression Management on Performance Rating
- The Influence of The Bible on English Literature
- The Jungle by Upton Sinclair: Fame for the Wrong Reason
- The Leadership Lessons of Jesus Christ
- The Life Saving Benefits of Organ Donation
- The Many Faces of Freedom?
- The Necessity of Bicycle Helmet Laws
- The Necessity of Gun Control
- The Optimal Gauge of the Absurd
- The Other L Word By William Jelani Cobb
- The Prevalence of Sexual Harassment on College Campuses
- The Pursuit of Democracy, Roused by the Egyptian Tahrir Square Uprising and the Spanish Acampadas
- The Role of Men and Women
- The Spiritual and Physical Dimensions in The Birthmark
- The Tragedy of Date Rape
- The Tragedy of Video Cameras
- The Tumultuous Relationship between the East and the West
- Tractarian Objects Cannot Be Properties and Relations
- Two Ways to Belong in America
- Use of Poetic Devices in Two Love Poems
- Uses and Abuses of Censorship
- Veronika Decides To Die Exemplification
- Wage Discrimination against Women
- We Wear the Mask
- Weak Enforcement of the Bankruptcy Laws
- Web Critoque: Hostile Alliances and Armaments Races Before and During the First World War
- What age would be the cutoff for parents helping with homework?
- What end can technology bring to certain cultures?
- What I Have Learned For English 100?
- What I Have Learned in My English Writing Class
- What impact does the Amazon have on many small businesses?
- What impact is the advance in fast food culture has on society today?
- What is ‘Modernist’ about Cather’s My Antonia?
- When A Revolutionary Writer Needs Revisions
- Which figure in history has had the highest impact on their historical period?
- Will certain forms of art such as classical music ever die out?
- Without Knowledge, Life Would be Worthless
- Would socialism work in today’s 21st-century world?
- Young Goodman Brown: Good vs Evil
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