Obesity Argumentative Essay Topics
Created: 17.01.2019
Updated: 11.03.2020

List of Obesity Argumentative Essay Topics
- A child’s environment contributes to childhood obesity
- Are low carbohydrate diets (like the Paleo, Adkins, and South Beach diets) really the best?
- Are parents contributing to their children being overweight?
- Are sugar substitutes helpful for dieting?
- Are vegetarian diets the best option for obese children?
- Can over-weight children be positively influenced by weight-loss TV shows like “The Biggest Loser”?
- Can vegetarian diets be healthy?
- Children can help themselves towards avoiding childhood obesity
- Do calories play a significant role in excess weight gain in children?
- Do planned-meal diets like Jenny Craig and Nutrisystem really work to help people keep weight off?
- Does intermittent fasting really help you to be more fit?
- Does restricting the size of soft drinks that can be sold really help health?
- Does sugar play a huge role in excessive weight gain in children?
- How can morbidly obese people lose weight safely?
- How can people lose weight and keep it off?
- How do naturally thin people stay that way?
- Intermittent fasting helps keep young children from becoming obese
- Is controlling weight really a matter of “calories in, calories out?”
- Is fat really bad for you? Is a low fat diet the best?
- Is it safe for obese children to undergo surgery to help them lose weight?
- Is sugar really bad for you?
- Is surgery a good method for people to lose weight?
- Is the T.V. show The Biggest Loser helpful in motivating people to be healthy? Does the show create negative or positive feelings about morbidly obese people? Does it exploit the contestants?
- Is weight gain caused by genetics, environment, or some other factor?
- Low carbohydrate diets are the best option in preventing childhood obesity
- Maintaining a good exercise routine can help a child stay obese free
- Overweight can be influenced by a family’s genetics
- Planned-meal diets – Do they help in controlling childhood obesity?
- Should gluten-free diets be made compulsory for children?
- Should obese prone children be forced to live on calorie-counting diets?
- Should school vending machines only sell health-friendly snacks and sodas?
- Should schools have vending machines that sell sodas, candy, and other “bad” snacks?
- The healthcare costs of obese children are more expensive than normal weight children
- There is a relationship between food and excess weight gain
- What are the major contributory factors to childhood obesity?
- What are the safest methods to help obese children lose excess weight gain?
- What can be done to help children maintain a healthy weight?
- What can schools do to promote better health in students?
- What causes anorexia? How can it be prevented? How can you help an anorexic friend? Why are more young men becoming anorexic?
- What is morbid obesity? How does morbid obesity affect a person’s health?
- What is the best diet for a young adult?
- What is the relationship between food, exercise, and weight?
- What should we do about the cost of healthcare for overweight people? Should there be a greater insurance premium for people who are obese?
- Why are Americans rapidly becoming more obese?
- Why are so many people now choosing to go on gluten-free diets?
- Why are Weight Watchers and other calorie-counting diets often considered the best by doctors?
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