
Argumentative Essay Topics About Animals

by Loraine Walters
Created: 17.01.2019
Updated: 06.04.2020
Argumentative Essay Topics About Animals

In order to write a good academic essay on animals, you must understand the subject really well. But, even before you start writing, you must choose a good subject for your paper. This page is for students who are looking for good subjects for writing argumentative essays on animals.

Picking up argumentative essay topics about animals for your paper is not as easy as it sounds. To choose a good one, you must be familiar with the subject you are going to write about. If you find it a bit confusing, your teacher can help you make an informed decision.

You can also talk to other students about it. In most cases, they will be able to help you find the best idea for your paper. Research is important for finding good argumentative essay topics about animals.

It is also important to rely on your intuition. Only you know whether you will be able to write the paper. Do some research online and find something that you really like. The list provided in this page will fire your imagination, and you will be able to choose good argumentative essay topics about animals.

List of Argumentative Essay Topics About Animals

    1. Animal cruelty must be banned
    2. Animal extinction through a human action should be banned
    3. Animal health is a money-making venture
    4. Animal testing is beneficial
    5. Animal testing is justifiable in some cases (e.g., medical), but not in others (e.g., cosmetics)
    6. Animals do not have any rights
    7. Are there reasons for treating cats and dogs humanely?
    8. Are wild life preserves healthy for various species?
    9. Bullfighting is fun and should be continued
    10. Chaining or tethering dogs outside is unethical, inhumane, and a form of animal neglect
    11. Companion animals can help people who are lonely
    12. Conserving some endangered animals is more important than conserving others, due to their respective ecological roles
    13. Dairy cows should be given drugs to boost milk production
    14. Deer hunting is legal
    15. Dolphins are friendly
    16. Euthanizing stray animals is a humane solution
    17. Euthanizing stray animals is unethical
    18. Factory farm conditions are conducive to the spread of avian influenza among chickens and other domestic fowl
    19. Factory farm treatment of animals is inhumane
    20. Fish should not be kept in goldfish bowls without filters or temperature control
    21. Foxes should be bred into companion animals
    22. Foxes should not be bred into companion animals
    23. Hunting for sport is a normal, acceptable passtime
    24. Hunting for sport is unethical and inhumane
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    26. Important factors to consider when adopting a pet
    27. Is it justified to kill animals for fun?
    28. Is it okay for people to have exotic pets?
    29. Is it okay to test antibiotics and cures on animals?
    30. It is necessary and acceptable to use higher animals, such as monkeys and chimpanzees, in laboratory research
    31. It’s irrational to be afraid of spiders, since most of them are harmless
    32. Keeping animals in zoos is inhumane
    33. Keeping wild-caught exotic pets is inhumane
    34. Killing animals for food is justified
    35. Medical animal testing is ethically wrong
    36. Medical animal testing is justifiable
    37. Monkeys are the most intelligent animals among all mammals in the forest
    38. People should not be kind to poisonous animals
    39. Pets should be spayed and neutered to prevent overpopulation
    40. Primates and other sophisticated vertebrates should not be used in laboratory research
    41. Protecting endangered animal species is important
    42. Protecting the Giant Panda is ecologically important
    43. Research studies using animal participants are ethical
    44. Rhinos’ extinction by seeking their horns is unavoidable
    45. Sacrificing animals for religion is ethical / moral
    46. Should animal fashion be banned?
    47. Should animal testing for cosmetics be banned?
    48. Should the percentage be higher for the endangered list?
    49. Should there be a bigger consequence for poaching?
    50. Should there be harsher laws for animal cruelty?
    51. Should they be kept in captivity?
    52. Should they have more rights?
    53. The impact of human beings on wildlife
    54. There is no need of respecting animals
    55. Trading products made from animals is a worthwhile venture
    56. Veterinary care is very expensive
    57. Water pollution is not dangerous to aquatic life
    58. We do not have a responsibility of reporting people abusing animals
    59. Zoos are good for animals

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  1. latrel

    that i love loins and they are the best