Relationship Topics To Debate
Created: 17.10.2019
Updated: 04.03.2020

List of 56 Relationship Topics To Debate
- Are our bad spending habits spoiling our families?
- Can love be faked?
- Co education Vs single sex education
- Daughters are more of an asset than sons, for parents
- Describe your biggest regret?
- Discuss your first impression of each other and whether it was accurate.
- Do love distracts you ftom your goal?
- Extra marital affairs — pros & cons
- Family Vs love of life — whom to choose?
- Feminism — good or bad?
- Find similarities and differences. Discuss them.
- Has your relationship changed since you began dating? Give some examples to support your answer.
- Have you ever had a very bad nightmare? What was it about?
- House husband — good or bad?
- How many siblings do you have and are they older or younger? How is your relationship with them?
- If women claim to be equal to men then they should run in the same tracks with men in athletics
- If you could be any character in a book or movie, who would you be? Why?
- If you could go back to your childhood, what advice would you like to have from your adult self?
- If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would buy? Why?
- Is it okay to marry an elder lady?
- Is kissing cheating? On emotional infidelity
- Love marriage Vs arranged marriage
- Marriage vs live in relationship
- Monogamy: natural behavior or social imposition?
- Movies and Novels promote affairs outside marriage
- Office love — pros & cons
- Old age home — good or bad?
- Online dating — threat or blessings?
- Our forefathers enjoyed better and stronger relations with families than us
- Sex before marriage — right or wrong?
- Share a secret about yourself.
- Should gay marriage be legalised?
- Talk about a significant event that caused a positive change in you as a person.
- Talk about your future; how you picture your life in five years and in ten.
- Tell about a time when someone hurt or betrayed you and how the experience has affected your adult life.
- Tell about a time when someone showed you kindness or compassion. Tell about a time when you showed compassion or kindness to someone else.
- Tell about your most difficult challenge thus far in your life. Were you able to overcome and what did you learn?
- What characteristics do you think are necessary for a strong relationship? Do you possess these characteristics?
- What controversial issue – social or political – do you feel strongly about? Why?
- What did you dream of being when you were a child? Have you managed to achieve any of your dreams?
- What is one thing that scares you the most? Why?
- What is your dream job and do you believe you will ever succeed at having it?
- What is your favorite item of clothing and why is it your favorite?
- What kind of date do you consider romantic? Plan a romantic date night together.
- What makes you excited? What was the last exciting experience you had?
- What scares you the most? Has what you are afraid of changed since you were a child?
- What values are important in your life? Were they imparted to you by your parents? If not, from where did they come?
- What was your favorite book as a child? Why was it your favorite?
- What was your favorite movie as a child? Do you still enjoy seeing it? How many times have you seen it?
- What would cause you to end a relationship? Would you be able to forgive and forget and renew the relationship?
- What would you do on a “perfect” day? Would you want to do something with someone else or be alone?
- When and where do you feel most like your real self? Why?
- Which celebrity is your favorite? What do you find attractive about them?
- Who is your hero and what qualities make them your choice?
- Women empowerment — good or bad?
- Would you like the idea of buying a machine which can measure love degrees?