
Controversial Psychology Topics

by Loraine Walters
Created: 14.05.2019
Updated: 10.04.2020
Controversial Psychology Topics

In order to write a good paper on human mind, you must understand the basic theories of the discipline. If the subject is debatable, you can not write anything without fully understanding it. However, choosing a good subject matter is the first, and often the most important part of the process.

In this page you will find some of the best controversial psychology topics. Psychology is arguably the most interesting subject of all, because it discusses how humans react in different situations. If you do your research, you will have to better understanding of the relevant terms. The more you study, the more you grasp things better.

Many people struggle to understand the terms of this subject, partly because different psychologists interpret and discuss things differently. However, if you have a genuine interest in human mind, you will be able to choose good controversial psychology topics. The science of human mind is complex, and nobody can say the final word on it. But there are many scientific ways to understand human mind deeply.

The controversial psychology topics provided in this page will fire your imagination.

List of 33 Controversial Psychology Topics

  1. Alternative reality – is it they who are drugged or is it us?
  2. Are there gender foundations to psychology and behavior that are removed from cultural considerations? To what extent does gender actually dictate thought process?
  3. Child abuse – psychological profile of a typical perpetrator
  4. Child sexual abuse – where a parent is the perpetrator
  5. Compare and contrast Jung, Freud, and Adler: explore distinctions and commonalities.
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  7. Crime as a justification for coping with past trauma – how justified is it?
  8. Ethics surrounding development and administration of cognitive-enhancing drugs
  9. Examine Euripides and gender psychology: what do the Trojan Women and Medea reveal?
  10. Exposure to television and their effects on the emotional and intellectual development of children
  11. Fetishes and sexually deviant behavior
  12. Harlow’s Pit of Despair
  13. Having a child – is social pressure a more dominant determinant than individual willingness?
  14. How do centuries-old beliefs of madness and dementia relate to modern conceptions of mental illness?
  15. Hypnotherapy and past life regression therapy – clinical hocus-pocus or science?
  16. Investigate Freud’s contributions to psychology as they exist today: what value remains?
  17. Investigate the psychological process in group dynamics with regard to the emergence of leaders and the compliance of others.
  18. Is homosexuality a psychological condition? Should attempts be made to correct it?
  19. Is psychology itself inevitably a non-science in that virtually any theory may be substantiated, or is there a foundation of science to the subject to which all theorists must conform?
  20. Milgram’s Shocking Obedience Experiments
  21. Negative parenting and their effects on child psychology
  22. Negativity surrounding homosexuality – is it justified or is it just the typical fear and disgust for the minority and lesser known public mentality?
  23. Parapsychology and paranormal phenomenon – are they grounded in reality?
  24. Research and assess the effectiveness of radical psychotherapies and unconventional treatments.
  25. Research the concept of human will as both a component of individual psychology and a process or element removed from it.
  26. Social networks, online dating, and their psychological impact on teenagers
  27. To what extent is self-image influenced by culture in regard to eating disorders? Are external factors entirely to blame?
  28. To what extent is sexual orientation dictated by culture, and is there an orientation not subject to social and cultural influences?
  29. Using three characters, explore Chaucer’s insight into human behavior in The Canterbury Tales.
  30. Validity of diagnosis based upon DSM criteria
  31. Watson and Rayner’s Little Albert Experiment
  32. What is “normal,” and to what extent is psychology reliant on culture to define this?
  33. Workplace psychology of ex-felons
  34. Zimbardo’s Simulated Prison Experiment

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  1. Dale

    This site helped a lot !! My teacher assigns the current event every week, and most students are not sure what to choose, and I told them about this site. I love that there is an article on every topic for easy quoting.