
Sociology Thesis Topics

by Loraine Walters
Created: 22.03.2019
Updated: 11.04.2020
Sociology Thesis Topics

List of 66 Sociology Thesis Topics

  1. A critical analysis of religious organisations in the UK and their impact on social structure.
  2. A sociological approach to the study of children’s soccer leagues
  3. A study of victimology: Are offenders the real victims of crime?
  4. Adoption and its consequences for an adopted child
  5. Analysing the common religious grounds for developing inter-faith harmony in the UK.
  6. Analysing the fees/scholarship policies in higher education systems, with relevance to social stratification in UK society.
  7. Analysing the focus of the national curriculum towards sociological outcomes, as compared to economic outcomes, for students?
  8. Analysing the impact of periodic social change on family structure in the UK.
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  10. Analysing the link between a teacher’s motivation level and class performance in a public school.
  11. Analysing the link between gender and sexual issues with relevance to different religions.
  12. Analysing the structure of the education system in public schools with relevance to socially excluded young people.
  13. Analysing the trend of fertility rates in the UK and the causes behind any changing trends.
  14. Analyzing the link between a teacher’s motivation level and class performance in a public school?
  15. Are there any ethnical, gender and religious dimensions to crimes in the UK?
  16. Are there any signs of abuse in crime reporting?
  17. Can Goffman’s ‘ritualised interactions’ and his interaction of everyday life be used for the analysis of contemporary religious life?
  18. Challenges a working woman faces in our society
  19. Community and identity: An appraisal of suburban neurosis
  20. Comparative study of marriages in various sub cultures of the UK.
  21. Comparison between inferiority and superiority complex
  22. Comparison of benefits and costs of living in a nuclear family system or extended family system.
  23. Comparison of cross-religious beliefs and values in the UK.
  24. Critical analysis of the Government’s crime prevention reforms and policies.
  25. Do children fail at school because of ‘individual problems’ or ‘public issues’: The relevance of C Wright Mills ideas in today’s UK education system.
  26. Examine the readiness of the public school environment to create and develop inter-faith harmony and understanding among children.
  27. Examining and determining the ways and amendments through which a school system itself can narrow the gap in education outcomes for vulnerable groups.
  28. Examining the impact of domestic violence in the family on children.
  29. Examining the structure and impact of social guidance and counselling in primary schools.
  30. Exploring intra household dynamics of child-parent relationships in a typical UK household.
  31. Exploring Marx’s Conflict Theory in education: Is the UK’s public school system maintaining the social status quo?
  32. Exploring the changes and continuities in the family and how today’s families have patterns that link back to past patterns of family structure.
  33. Exploring the nature and outcomes of residential patterns in UK society.
  34. Exploring the relationship between religion and education as a social institution.
  35. Historic analysis of social causes behind street and gang fights in the UK.
  36. Historical analysis of changes in the rate of divorces and its main causes in UK society.
  37. Historical analysis of the basic family size and structure in the UK.
  38. How can power politics of a society determine the role of females in a society?
  39. How does divorce effects on the minds of the children
  40. How does positivism account for the control of the criminal?
  41. How has social interaction between people from different religious backgrounds led to religious diffusion?
  42. How have print and electronic media in the UK created perceptions about different religions?
  43. How have print and electronic media in the UK created perceptions about different religions?
  44. Identifying the impact of religion on marriages in the UK.
  45. Identifying the link between religion and political behaviour in the UK.
  46. Identifying the social causes of domestic violence in a family?
  47. Identifying the social causes of domestic violence in a family.
  48. Is alcohol consumption the main social and behavioral cause of street crimes in the UK?
  49. Is alcohol consumption the main social and behavioural cause of street crimes in the UK?
  50. Is Durkhaim’s idea of ‘Anomie’ the main cause behind increased youth crime in the UK?
  51. Is punishment the only solution to stop crime? Exploring the social alternatives of crime prevention.
  52. Is punishment the only solution to stop crime? Exploring the social alternatives of crime prevention.
  53. Is the interaction that occurs between teacher and student beneficial or disadvantageous for students at primary schools?
  54. Is there any link between religion and social change?
  55. Offences ‘known’ and recorded in police records: The issues surrounding UK crime statistics.
  56. Should the theory of Neo-liberalism be used as a guiding framework for UK Education?
  57. The effect of the school environment on children’s perception of the macro level society.
  58. The intervention by the state and the social construction of individual crime behaviour.
  59. The welfare state and its effects on reducing incidence of poverty in modern Britain
  60. Views about organ transplantation in our society
  61. What are the dimensions and types of cultural shock that a foreigner from Asia or the US can have?
  62. What are the key social factors behind increasing knife crime in the UK?
  63. What are the main dimensions of deviance in UK society?
  64. What are the reasons behind discrimination against women within a rural household in a developing country?
  65. What are the ways through which organizations can create cultural harmony and management of cultural diversity?
  66. What does mean to be a single parent in a conservative society?
  67. What is and should the role of politicians in socializing through campaigning?
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