Philosophy Term Paper Topics
Created: 07.03.2019
Updated: 10.04.2020

List of 24 Philosophy Term Paper Topics
- Can creationism and evolution both be true? In what ways can they coexist?
- Could non-human animals be evil? If so, what constitutes evil?
- Do you believe that a 12 week old fetus have the same rights as a person outside the womb?
- Do you believe that language affects the way we perceive the world around us?
- Do you believe that politics are dangerous to the fabric of society? What alternatives exist?
- Do you believe world peace is possible or a delusion created by people?
- Does happiness exist without sadness? Is it possible to experience one state more than the other and is this harmful?
- Does life exist outside of Earth? If so, what does this mean to the way we perceive our existence?
- Existentialism and Artificial Intelligence
- Is being “innocent” really only a way of understanding the world without knowledge?
- Is it ethical to steal money if you need it for survival? How about to pay rent or buy food?
- Is it ever acceptable to have an extra-marital affair? What about the case when the marriage has all but ended?
- Is it right to do the wrong thing for the right reason? Who is the moral judge in these cases?
- Is spanking to instill moral values on children ethical or is it abuse?
- Is the fear of death more about a belief in an afterlife that might not be pleasant?
- Is there a real meaning to individuals or humanity? What purpose would knowing the answer to this serve?
- Is there such a thing as truth or is it all just the opinion of people with unique perspectives?
- Machiavelli and Modern Corporate Culture
- Mistakes in Philosophy and Science
- Philosophical roots of modern theology
- Should all couples automatically have access to infertility treatments? Is there a possibility for abuse?
- The Socratic Method and the Legal Profession
- What is more important to people in society? Freedom or safety?
- What is our understanding of good and evil? Who decides what is what and have humans become accustomed to outdated definitions?
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