Persuasive Policy Speech Topics

Delivering speeches is one of the most valuable skills you can develop. If you need to express your thoughts on a policy, you must know what you are going to talk about. The content of your policy must be original and creative.
But before that you have to choose a good subject to write on. In this page you will find some of the best persuasive policy speech topics that will help you come up with useful ideas. If you study a great orator, you will find that the language is rich and strong. Apart from language, you also have to pay attention to the style.
Students often struggle when it comes to choosing for their papers. Studying great lectures delivered by great leaders is one of the best ways to choose a subject for a persuasive piece. You can write a good piece only when you have a clear understanding of the topic.
Whether it is a school or college assignment, you must study the things you are going to focus on. Do your researches to make sure that you have a firm grip on the policies. What are the main traits of a good persuasive piece? Good persuasive essay topics and policy speech can help you make a connection to the audience.
A good speech always holds the attention of the audience. Even if your audience does not like the content of what you say, they should pay attention. If you need to address a legal issue in your assignment, make sure it is presented in a descent way.
Do not hesitate to talk to your teacher if you need help when choosing persuasive policy speech topics. Make sure the topic of the speech is relevant. Do not choose a topic only because you like it. If you are a college student, you can talk to some of your friends before choosing a topic.
Hopefully you will find this list helpful.
List of 213 Persuasive Policy Speech Topics
- Abolish diplomatic immunity for criminal activities.
- Administrative divisions ought to provide meaningful opportunities for disabled persons to access.
- Adoptees Right-to-Know Law
- Affirmative Action
- Aggregate productivity
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- Agricultural Policy
- Agricultural subsidies damage African nations
- All voters should be required to show a photo identification or a fingerprint.
- An international certification system for diamond exploration prevents conflict-diamonds trade.
- Art Censorship
- Attendance Policies (School, Work, etc.)
- Ban car racing in mass pollution areas
- Break Periods
- Censorship of Music
- Change K- School Start Times
- Client Complaints Procedures
- Climate Change Policy
- Company policy on computer usage
- Controlling the transportation fairs
- Corporation should have an accountability policy.
- Corruption and bribery run today’s economy
- Crime Prevention
- Cut import taxes for tourists in towns that need more income revenues.
- Dangers of s*****d use.
- Defense budget priorities
- Defense budget reduction
- Designer children.
- Discontinue medically drugs that are unnecessary.
- Do you think immigration laws need to be revised
- Does home-schooling result in children missing the social interaction and growth necessary at that age?
- Does Internet mean the death of newspapers?
- Domestic Violence Drug Policy
- Downsizing Schools/Classrooms
- Drug Testing In The Workplace
- Election reform
- Eliminate weapons-usable materials from stores and shops.
- Emergency Procedures
- Eminent Domain
- Employers should have the right to know a co-worker has HIV.
- Enact harsh penalties against public offensive behavior.
- Enact laws to fight corruption in Africa to ensure economic growth and prosperity.
- Ensure that the foods served are nutritionally balanced.
- Environmental sciences
- Equal Employment Opportunities
- Every nation should accommodate asylum seekers who are entering the country with a legal visa?
- Everyone should have free access to some health care services.
- Expanding Oil and Gas Drilling
- Female Genital Mutilation
- Feminists should be terminated
- Financial Assistance for Students
- Financial education is important in today’s world.
- Flood victims’ reforms
- Foreign Policy
- Form a military alliance with East Asian countries.
- Freedom of Expression / Freedom of Speech
- Freedom of press gone too far.
- Gambling Age should be Lowered
- Garbage recycling should be required.
- Global Warming Laws
- Good governance means openness, transparency and accountability.
- Grocery store shelves filled with foods made with genetically modified ingredients without GMO labels. GMO labels are essential to help you make a decision.
- Guarantee free personal care for people with highest needs and serious diseases.
- Guarantee fundamental rights for victims of cybercrime.
- Harassment Precautions
- Health Care Policy
- Health insurance, a must for all citizens.
- Housing, hiring and education must be equal for all.
- How CMC (Computer Mediated Communication) affects the workplace.
- How effective is Alcoholics Anonymous?
- Hygiene Standards
- Identification Protocols
- Immigration Policies
- Implement bullying policies.
- Importance of safety harnesses.
- Impose a second home ownership tax.
- Improving the economic infrastructure is the key to Middle East stability.
- Initiate a self-regulatory policy for the media.
- Involvement of animals in research should be minimized, there are alternatives.
- Is nuclear power the answer to the energy crisis?
- It is an illusion that green jobs are contributing to the economy and environment.
- It should be more difficult to get a divorce.
- Job Discrimination based on Hair Color/Style
- Juvenile delinquents should be sentenced to bootcamp.
- Juvenile sentence is right.
- K-12 students should learn a foreign language.
- Language Policy
- Legalizing prostitution could avoid campus date rape incidents
- Legalizing the sale of human organs could help reduce the lack of organ donors
- Limit the President’s power to impose political sanctions on foreign nations. Using the blocking of assets method and trade restrictions often are effective.
- Maintaining Discipline in the Campus
- Make recycling mandatory to help the environment.
- Mandatory drug tests for students.
- Media producers should not prosecute students for downloading music education.
- Medical Examination
- Men and women speak a different language of love.
- Merit Pay for Teachers
- National Tobacco Settlement
- Nationalize oil spilling companies and seize all oil resources.
- No-fly lists of airliners do have a lack of accuracy.
- Obstruction of Justice Laws
- Offer appropriate and affordable housing to all citizens, just like companies do with expat housing for their overseas workers.
- Organ donation after death should be encouraged.
- Our constitution should protect hate speech
- Our foreign agenda for the United Nations
- Parents should be held responsible for their children’s actions
- Parents should have to obtain a license for having children.
- Parents should not spank their children.
- Parliamentary terms should be limited
- Pension reform
- Police and community should join efforts to prevent crime.
- Police Brutality
- Policy to avoid betting in sporting events
- Political organizations should be forbidden at campuses
- Pornography on the Internet
- Prisoners’ Reforms
- Privacy Codes
- Private space travel should not be encouraged.
- Prohibit airliners to charge extra carry-on luggage fees.
- Promote world literacy by adopting a school in development nations.
- Provide everywhere in our town access for people with disabilities. Parking, sanitary and access to a building.
- Provide safe alternatives to regular vehicular travel.
- Punish severely pupils taking drugs.
- Racism and Racial Slurs (1st Amendment)
- Reasons for increase in kidnapping by parents.
- Recycling Rules
- Recycling should be the cornerstone of the environment policy course of action.
- Reducing poverty by fixing the living environment and housing.
- Regulations on applying safety devices
- Regulations to encourage healthy weight conditions among our youth.
- Russia is a growing threat.
- Sanctions on Myanmar are largely ineffective.
- School physical education should be required
- School Uniforms
- Sensor policy on the use of internet
- Sex education should stay the responsibility of the parents
- Sex-segregating classes improve achievements.
- Sexist images of women should be banned
- Should death penalty be abolished?
- Should our prison system change
- Should surrogate motherhood be allowed?
- should teacher be graded
- Should there be stronger limits on immigration?
- Should we outlaw modifying genes or should we allow biotech interventions?
- Shut down all domestic internet traffic for state security reasons.
- Single parents should not be allowed to adopt children.
- Skateboarding Policies
- Smokers should be treated as drug addicts
- Social networks and our young generation.
- Social Security Reform
- Special privileges for working women.
- State and church should be combined
- Sticking to the scheduled work hours and no two hour lunches
- Stop child slave labor.
- Stop clothing and textiles sweatshops.
- Subliminal messages in movies and TV ads.
- Support scholarship programs for street kids and at-risk kids.
- Tax exemptions on church property should be used for charitable and community work only.
- Taxes (i.e. “sin” taxes, car taxes, taxation of the super rich)
- Teachers and Tenure
- Technical Loopholes in Law
- Teen Dating Violence Laws Strengthened
- Teenage pregnancy affects the future of both the child and the mother.
- Tell people to vote! Individual votes matter.
- Terrorists should be tried in military tribunals and not in the regular criminal justice system.
- Texting undermines vocabulary and the mental effort that intelligent writing necessitates.
- The dangers of using a cell phone while driving.
- The European Union have a federal president.
- The government should cooperate with China.
- The government should spend more money to explore space solar systems.
- The importance of blood donation.
- The importance of home schooling for mentally and physically enabled children.
- The importance of newspapers in our daily life.
- The Kyoto Protocol does not effectively address carbon emission.
- The morning-after pill should be freely prescribed in drugstores and pharmacies
- The Patriot Act
- The possibility of cars sharing data with other cars to avoid accidents. Does that encroach on privacy?
- The right to search students’ personal property, like lockers and backpacks as part of the war on drugs.
- The use of drugs in sport should be legalized.
- The use of surveillance cameras in public places, such as parking lots. Good idea or violation of privacy?
- There is nothing wrong with Double Dipping in collecting retirement pensions and company paycheck at the same time.
- There is nothing wrong with the contents of Ten Commandments
- Traditional books or eBooks?
- Trying Children as Adults
- U.S. policy toward Cuba
- Urban shelters could help the homeless survive.
- VA Demerit Point System (driving)
- Videotaping In The Workplace
- Visitation Rules at your University/College
- Voter registration and absentee ballot
- Voting System (electoral college)
- Warrantless search and seizure must be allowed in the war on drugs and narcotics.
- Water is a hot issue in the Middle East.
- We must ensure greater protection for marine environment biodiversity trough international protocols.
- We need an international forestry agency.
- We should not allow that the poor sell their organs for money.
- We should spend 0.7 % of our gross national income on projects of international development.
- We should spend more money to improve highways and railroads.
- Weaving digital information into physical space. The ability to reach out into the computer and manipulate digital objects.
- Welfare mothers should be treated as working mothers
- Welfare reform
- Western politicians should do more for the people on the African continent.
- What should be the minimum age for the voter?
- Whistleblower Procedure
- Why breakfast is the most important meal of the day?
- Why China’s one-child policy violated basic human rights.
- Why cities should insist on having their own local economic development policy.
- Why invading North Korea is a no go plan.
- Why meals in school should be free
- Why restaurants who fail the health inspection the first time should be closed down
- Why smokers deserve rights.
- Why we will rely on robots.
- Women in the Military
- Work Hours Plans
Wow!! This is a very useful list of 213 Persuasive Policy Speech Topics. Great ideas for more research and writing articles.