Philosophy Essay Topics

Philosophy essay topics test the students’ ability to express the opinion on a certain philosophical reference or on the random thought that can present the students’ ability to describe his idea. The reflection on the many different philosophical topics helps students to perform analysis to make the best presentation of the popular concepts. One of the philosophy paper topics might be familiar to the American students – The comparison of America’s and Aristotle’s view of Democracy. It is one of the philosophy essay titles that requires exploring the practices of Democracy from both parties to find good resources and answers.
All these different ideas and writing titles can help you to learn many new things that you have to know about. At the same time, the philosophy essay topics and different ideas can only make you learn more knowledge and expand your education. Whether you choose to write about the overall sense of living or the cons of relativism, the reliable sources will help you to produce a good paper but will also help you to spark up the new ideas that you will get through this reading.
List of Philosophy Essay Topics
- A Belief That the Universe Does Not Have Any Predetermined Purpose
- Beginner Philosophy Favorite Between Heraclite And Parmenide
- Comparison Between The Metaphysics Of Kants Morals And The Genealogy Of Nietzschs Morality
- Aristotle On Friendship
- A Biography of Robert Hooke, an English Natural Philosopher, Architect and Polymath
- A Comparison Between the Philosophies of Mao Zedong and the Dalai Lama
- Absolute Versus Relative Evil: Comparative Analysis
- Agathon and Socrates Speeches About Eros the God of Love
- Al Farabi and Aristotle: The Four Causes and Four Stages of the Doctrine of the Intelligence
- Analysis of “The Apology” by Plato
- Analysis of Fundamentalist and Catholic in Beliefs
- Analysis of Kantian Moral Theory and Utilitarianism
- Analysis of Karl Marx and John Stuart Mill Topic of Liberty
- Analysis of the Philosophies of Confucius and Socrates
- Analysis of Utopias in Plato’s Republic and Aristophanes’ The Birds
- Ancient Philosopher Plato vs Modern Philosopher Descartes
- Antigone by Sophocles vs Crito by Socrates
- Arguments of Blaise Pascal and David Hume on the Belief in an Infinite God
- Aristotelian View of Democracy vs Political System of Modern America
- Aristotle and James Wilson’s Concept of Happiness of the State
- Aristotle and Plato’s Theory of Ethics
- Aristotle and Socrates Understanding of the Word Justice
- Aristotle as One of the Most Influential Greek Philosophers
- Aristotle’s Views on Meteorology vs Actual Meteorological Facts
- Ayn Rand and His Contribution To The Philosophical World
- Baruch Spinoza as One of the Founders of Modern Western Thought
- Behavioral Theories of Egoism, Utilitarianism and Respect for Persons
- Beliefs of Philosophers Socrates and Descartes
- Beliefs of Physicalism and Animalism
- Bentham and Mill’s Theories of Utilitarianism
- Better Understanding of Hypothetical Imperatives Concept
- Between Robert Owen and Karl Marx: Comparison of Philosophies
- Bible and Descartes’s Meditations
- Biblical Perspective on The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli
- Biographical Insights of Albert Camus
- Biography and Leadership of Louis XIV
- Biography and Legacy of Bernard Bolzano
- Biography and Legend of Mohandas Gandhi, an Indian Philosopher
- Biography and Life of David Hume, a Scottish Philosopher, Economist and Historian
- Biography and Life of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, a Swiss Philosopher
- Biography and Life of Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas de Caritat, a French Philosopher
- Biography and Life of Niccolo Machiavelli, an Italian Writer
- Biography and Life Work by Socrates, an Ancient Greek Philosopher
- Biography and Life Work of David Hume, Scottish Philosopher
- Biography and Life Work of Karl Marx, a German Philosopher
- Biography and Life Work of Mohandas Gandhi, an Indian Philosopher
- Biography and Life Work of Rene Descartes, a French Mathematician and Philosopher
- Biography and Life Work of Socrates, an Ancient Greek Philosopher
- Biography and Literary Works of Rene Descartes
- Biography and Struggles of Benedictus Spinoza
- Biography and the Inconsistencies in the Life of Plato
- Biography and Times of Confucius
- Biography and Times of German Social Philosopher Friedrich Engels
- Biography and Times of Jane Addams
- Biography and Works of Aristotle a Greek Philosopher and Scientist
- Biography and Works of Eratosthenes, an Ancient Philosopher
- Biography and Works of Martin Heidegger, a German Philosopher
- Biography and Works of Nietzsche
- Biography and Works of Thomas Hobbes
- Biography of Adam Smith, a British Philosopher, and Economist
- Biography of Amedeo Avogadro, an Italian Philosopher
- Biography of Anthony Burgess, a Selective Individualist
- Biography of B. F. Skinner and His Influence in Psychology
- Biography of Confucius, a Chinese Philosopher
- Biography of David Humes
- Biography of Euripides
- Biography of Friedrich Nietzsche the German Philosopher
- Biography of George Berkeley, an Irish Philosopher
- Biography of Heraclius
- Biography of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- Biography of Joe Hall, Former President and Chief Operating officer of Food Lion
- Biography of John Henry Cardinal Newman and His Great Fight
- Biography of Karl Heinrich Marx, a Man of Enlightenment
- Biography of Karl Popper, an Austrian Philosopher
- Biography of Mencius the Chinese Philosopher
- Biography of Niccolo Machiavelli, an Italian Political Theorist
- Biography of Niccolo Machiavelli, Politician, Philosopher and Author
- Biography of the Ancient Greek Philosopher Aristotle
- Biography of the Father of Confucianism – Confucius
- Biography of the Indian Philosopher, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
- Biography of the Life and Times of Philosopher Bernard Bolzano
- Blind Obedience and Disobedience From a Moral Standpoint
- Book Review of Augustine’s Confession VIII
- Branches of Love in Symposium by Plato and Confessions by St. Augustine
- Brief Analysis of the Philosophic Concept of How to Build a Person
- Brief and Precise Explanation of Analogy
- Brief Biography and Works of Henry James
- Brief Examination of the Work of Marx and Engels
- Brief History of Karl Marx
- Brief Review About Zarathustra
- Business Philosophy Of Joe Hall
- Capitalism versus Collectivism
- Case of an English Teacher Practicing Academic Dishonesty
- Case Study Based on the Perspectives of Teleological and Deontological Theories
- Causal Argument for Statism from a Philosophy Point of View
- Change between Parmenides and Heraclitus
- Civil Rebuttal in the Pursuit of Wisdom
- Clifford’s, Pascal’s and James’ Beliefs in the Existence of God
- Closer Understanding of Hobbesian Egoism
- Comment on the Key Concepts of the Theory of Ayer
- Commentary on Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics and the Similarities to Socrates
- Comparative analysis of Philosophies of Anne Bradstreet, Henry David Thoreau and Thomas Jefferson
- Comparative Analysis of the Ethical Theories in Thomas Hobbes’ The Leviathan and H.H.C. Smart’s Ethics for the Modern Life
- Comparing and Contrasting Seneca and Montaigne
- Comparison Between Confucianism and Daoism
- Comparison Between Inner and Outer Beauty
- Comparison Between Morality and Immorality
- Comparison between Stoicism and the Teachings of the Bible
- Comparison between the Concepts of Essentialism and Social Constructionism
- Comparison Between the Theories of Karl Marx and Max Weber
- Comparison Between Utilitarianism and Deontology
- Comparison of Absolutism and Relativism
- Comparison of America’s and Aristotle’s View and Practice of Democracy
- Comparison of Apology by Plato and Confessions by St. Augustine
- Comparison of Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. DuBois’ Views
- Comparison of Classic and Contemporary Philosophers
- Comparison of Confucianism and Daoism Reasoning
- Comparison of Descartes, Hobbes and Hume in Modern Philosophy
- Comparison of Different Ethical Views and Models
- Comparison of Ethical Egoism and Virtue in Ethics
- Comparison of Friedrich Nietzsche and George Carlin
- Comparison of Good in The Cave and Apology
- Comparison of Homer and Machiavelli in Politics
- Comparison of Ideologies of Conservatives and Liberals
- Comparison of John Locke and Hobbes’ Ideas
- Comparison of Kantian and Utilitarian Ideas in Relation to Euthanasia
- Comparison of Karl Marx and Max Weber
- Comparison of Liberalism and Conservatism
- Comparison of Locke and Hobbes’ Views About Life
- Comparison of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King
- Comparison of Mencius and Hsun Tzu in Chinese Philosophy
- Comparison of Nozick’s Entitlement Theory and Rawl’s Theory of Disruptive Justice
- Comparison of Philosophies by Martin Heidegger and Soren Kierkegaard
- Comparison of Philosophy and Theology From an Analytic Standpoint
- Comparison of Plato’s and Aristotle’s Political Theories
- Comparison of Socrates and Plato’s Philosophies
- Comparison of Teachings: Mencius vs Hsun Tzu
- Comparison of the AMA’s Euthanasia Policy Statement in Euthanasia, Killing, and Letting Die by James Rachel and The Intentional Termination of Life by Bonnie Steinbock
- Comparison of the Chinese Room Analogy and Turning Machine
- Comparison of the Chorus and the Characters in Antigone
- Comparison of the Freedom and Predestination
- Comparison of the Ideologies of Egypt and India
- Comparison of the Philosophies of Yi Hwang and Yulgok
- Concepts of Rationalism and Liberalism
- Confucius as The Father of Confucianism
- Conservationist Thinking of Henry David Thoreau vs George Perkins Marsh
- Conservatism vs Liberalism
- Contrast of Divinity Between Job and Arjuna
- Contrast of Socrates and Gilgamesh
- Contrast of the Writings of Confucius, Hammurabi, and The Book of the Dead
- Coping up with Emotions in the past and Today
- Court Decision Against Socrates
- Critique of the Standard Interpretation of Descartes’ Arguments in the Meditations
- Cultural Importance of Art by Susan Langer and Roosts of Wisdom by Helen Mitchell
- David Hume and Rene Descartes on the Theory of Ideas in Philosophy
- Defining a Miracle and Hume’s Critique of the Beliefs of Miracles
- Dennett’s Intentional Strategy and Identity and Functionalist Theory
- Descartes and Pascal’s Reason As the Primary Source of Knowledge
- Difference in Philosophies of Socrates and Euthyphro
- Difference of Philosophies Between Nicolaus Copernicus and Aristotle
- Different Philosophical Approaches to the Idea of Happiness
- Dualism of Socrates and Descartes
- Dualism vs Physicalism
- Early Life and Achievement of Aristotle
- Epistemology Comparison of Plato and Aristotle
- Eratosthenes and a Summary of His Works
- Erving Goffman and George Mead’s Philosophy on Human Action
- Ethical Relativism vs Ethical Egoism
- Evolutionism vs Creationism
- Existentialism of Frankl and Beckett
- Explanation of Judaism Philosophy
- Faith and Reason and Their Importance for Mankind
- Fate Versus Free-Will
- Five Proofs of God and the Existence of God
- Foro Externo and for Interno in Obligations
- Friedrich Nietzsche – Great Sociologist and Philosopher of the Nineteenth Century
- Functionalism vs Physicalism
- George Boole, an English Mathematician, Philosopher and Logician
- George Ritzer’s Theory of McDonaldization
- Georgia O’Keeffe the Mother of American Modernism
- Government System According to Hobbes and Locke
- Gradualism and Punctuationism: Analysis and Comparison
- Great Philosophical Minds of Niccolo Machiavelli and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
- Greek Philosopher Miletus, Anaximander
- Henry David Thoreau – an American Novelist
- Hippocrates – a Greek Physician, and a Discussion of His Ideas
- Hippocrates – the Father of Medicine
- History of Confucius the Great Chinese Philosopher
- Hobbes and Locke’s Concepts of a State
- Hobbes and Rousseau’s Theories of the Social Contract
- How Hobbes and Augustine Think of the Conditions and Morality of War
- How Political Power Should Be Used to Achieve Power According to Plato
- Human Relations Without a Government According to Locke
- Human Understanding by Rene Descartes and David Hume
- Humans and Plants From the Perspective of Moral Philosophy
- Hume’s and Kant’s Views on the Nature of Morality
- Ideas and Impact of Jean Jacques Rousseau and Albert Bandura on Education
- Ideas of Plato vs Materialists in Epistemology That Deals With the Possibilities and Limits of Human Knowledge
- Influences of Niccolo Machiavelli
- Jane Addams – Social Worker and Reformer the Founder of the Hull House
- Jean Jacques Rousseau – French Philosopher and Theorist
- John Locke and Stuart Mill on the Topic of Political Society
- John Locke Versus Jean Domat on the 17th Century Theories of Power
- John Stuart Mill and the Development of the Utilitarianism
- John Stuart Mill’s and Gerald Dworkin’s Views on Liberty and Paternalism
- John the Savage and Mustapha Mond on Happiness
- Kant’s Universal Law Formation of the Categorical Imperative and Mill’s Utilitarianism
- Kantian Philosophy vs Mill’s Utilitarianism
- Karl Marx and an Introduction to Marxism
- Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels and Their Political Philosophies
- Karl Marx as a Thinker and Philosopher of 19th Century
- Karl Marx One of the Most Influential Philosophers and Revolutionaries of His Time
- Karl Marx vs Friedrich Engels on Their Philosophical Views
- Karl Marx, a German Philosopher and the Co-Founder of the Marxist Theory
- Karl Marx’s Manifesto of the Communist Party vs the Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte
- Krakauer’s and Thoreau’s Lessons in Alternative Lifestyle Through Act of Self-Reliance
- Lao Zi – Chinese Philosopher and Founder of Taoism
- Legacy of Baron De Montesquieu a French Philosopher
- Legacy of Michel de Nostredame
- Libertarian vs Paternalistic View on Society
- Life and Influence of Philosopher Viktor Frankl
- Life and Influence of Rene Descartes
- Life and Legacy of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, an Indian Philosopher
- Life and Literary Works of David Hume
- Life and Philosophy of Edith Stein
- Life and Philosophy of Xunzi and Mencius, two Disciples of Confucius
- Life and Times of American Poet and Philosopher Benjamin Franklin
- Life and Times of Friedrich Hegel
- Life and Times of Greek Philosopher Socrates
- Life and Times of Rene Descartes
- Life and Work of Marshall McLuhan, a Canadian Philosopher
- Life and Works of Baruch Spinoza, a Spanish Philosopher
- Life and Works of Francois Marie Arouet, a French Author, and Philosopher
- Life Goals and Missions of Saint Augustine and Socrates
- Life of Alexis de Tocqueville a Historian
- Life of Confucius and an Overview of Confucianism
- Life of Laozi the Creator of Chinese Philosophy of Daoism
- Life of St Augustine
- Life Story and Work of Mahatma Gandhi, an Indian Philosopher
- Life Story of Arthur Schopenhauer a German Philosopher
- Life Story of Cicero the Greek Philosopher
- Life Story of Emile Durkheim the French Sociologist and Philosopher
- Life Time of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
- Life Work and Biography of John Locke, an English Philosopher
- Life Work of Aristotle, a Greek Philosopher
- Life Work of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, a French Socialist
- Life Works and Biography of Jean-Paul Sartre a French Philosopher
- Lifetime of Terence McKenna, an American Esoteric Philosopher
- Locke’s and Plato’s Views on Justice
- Machiavelli vs Plato in the Nature of Politics
- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi – Founder and Leader of the Transcendental Meditation
- Mahatma Gandhi – an Indian Philosopher
- Main Ideas of Metaphysics and Epistemology
- Max Weber’s Theory of Rationalization
- Michel Foucault as a Researcher of the Cultivation of the Self
- Mohandas Gandhi and Adolf Hitler, Two Opposed Influential People
- Moral Theories of Aristotle and Immanuel Kant
- Niccolo Machiavelli and the Importance of His Writings
- Nicolas Poussin – the Painter Philosopher
- Nostradamus, a French Apothecary and Seer
- Obligations in Foro Interno and Foro Externo According to Thomas Hobbes
- Opinion and Order According to Plato, James Madison and John Mills
- Opposing Views of Karl Marx and Matthew Arnold
- Overview of Socrates, Plato’s and Aristotle’s Philosophies
- Overview of the Cause of Conflict
- Philosophical Ideas of Descartes and Heidegger
- Philosophical Theories of Immanuel Kant and Thomas Hobbes on Punishment
- Philosophical Values of Voltaire and Leibniz
- Philosophical Views of Lao-tzu and Machiavelli
- Philosophical Works Meditations by Marcus Aurelius and The Enchiridion by Epictetus
- Philosophical Works of John Locke, an English Philosopher
- Philosophies of Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas
- Philosophies of Adam Smith and Alexis De Tocqueville
- Philosophies of David Hume and Immanuel Kant
- Philosophies of John Locke, Thomas Hobbes and Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- Philosophies of Plato and Aristotle
- Philosophies of Thrasymachus, Plato and Niccolo Machiavelli concerning Justice and the Ruler
- Philosophy and Theology – What’s the Difference
- Philosophy of Descartes and Philosophy of Pascal
- Philosophy of Lao Tzu’s and Socrates’ and Their Ideas
- Philosophy of Locke and Descartes
- Philosophy of Lu Xun vs Liang Qichao
- Philosophy of Thomas Hobbes and Aristotle on Happiness
- Plato – the Grandfather of Democracy
- Plato and Discussion of His Works
- Plato and Karl Marx’s Views in Epistemology and Metaphysics
- Plato and Percy Shelley on the Use of Rhetorical Devices in Literature
- Plato and Socrates in Ethical Theories
- Plato vs Aristotle in Relation to Saint Thomas Aquinas
- Plato vs Conservative Christians Today
- Plato vs Socrates on Being Influential and Significant Philosophers
- Plato’s Four Virtues to the View of Justice in the United States
- Plato’s Myth of the Cave and Raymond Carver’s the Cathedral
- Plato’s Views in Ancient Greece and Conservative Christians Today
- Plotinus vs Aristotle in the Idea of Beauty
- Poetry of Ralph Waldo Emerson the American Transcendentalist
- Political and Philosophical Views Between Plato and Aristotle
- Political Theories of Plato and Aristotle
- Pythagoras – a Greek Philosopher and Mathematician
- Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau in Philosophy
- Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Self Reliance and Henry David Thoreau’s Walden
- Relation Between Risk and Self-Command
- Rene Descartes, a French Philosopher, Mathematician and Scientist
- Rene Descartes’ Foundationalism and Coherentism, Two Philosophies of Knowledge
- Review of Henry Thoreau’s “Civil Disobedience”
- Rousseau’s Social Contract vs Mill’s On Liberty
- Rules for Ethical Behavior of Immanuel Kant’s Deontology and the Theory of Utilitarianism
- Significant Works of Epicurus a Greek Philosopher
- Similarities in Theories by John Locke, Cesare Beccaria, and Mary Wollstonecraft
- Similarities of Philosophers Aristotle and John Stuart Mill
- Similarities of Philosophies Between Aristotle and Nicolaus Copernicus
- Similarities of Philosophies of Seneca and St. Augustine
- Similarities of Taoism and Confucianism
- Social Contract Theory by Hobbes and Locke
- Social Control by Thomas Hobbes and Symbolic Interactionism by George Herbert
- Socrates and the History of Peloponnese War With Sparta
- Socrates as an Ancient Greek Philosopher and Educational Reformer From Athens
- Socrates, a Great Philosopher of the Ancient Greece
- Soren Kierkegaard and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel in Idealism
- St. Thomas Aquinas on the Question What is the Best Way to Prove God in Christianity
- Stoicism and Epicureanism in Greek vs Roman Society
- Stratification Theorists by Karl Marx and Max Weber
- Study of the Philosophies of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle
- Study on the Accusations Against Socrates
- Systems of Metaphysics of Leibniz and Spinoza Using the Baseball Scenario
- Teachings by Plato and Aristotle in Politics
- The Republic by Plato and A Defense of Poetry by Shelley
- Theories of the Three Sophists: Protagoras, Gorgias and Thrasymachus
- Theories on the State of Nature by Hobbes, Rousseau, and Locke
- Transcendentalists vs Dissenters
- Understanding of the Orient in the Essay of Edward Said
- Utilitarian Philosophy of Jeremy Bentham and John Stewart Mills
- View on Epistemology in Rationalism and Empiricism
- Views of Kantian Moral Reasoning and Mill’s Utilitarianism
- Views of Rene Descartes and Benedict de Spinoza
- Views of Thomas Hobbes and Hannah Arendt Regarding Human Nature
- Violence Philosophy
- Voltaire Francois Marie Arouet a Great Writer and Philosopher of France
- Voltaire the French Enlightenment Philosopher
- William James’s Perspective on Emotions and Jean-Paul Sartre’s Rebuttal of It
- Works and Biography of Kant
- Works and Biography of Plato, Greek Philosopher and Mathematician
- Works of Assata Shakur and Socrates
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Looking for examples of Essays on Philosophy?
I’m a big Philosophy fan, so most of these topics are easy for me to write. I just feel like I need to build my writing skills, so I’ll definitely use some if they’re available. Thanks for these ideas.