Computer Engineering Capstone Project Ideas
Created: 27.02.2019
Updated: 10.04.2020

List of 83 Computer Engineering Capstone Project Ideas
- 3D mobile game engine development software project
- A reverse engineering approach for converting conventional turbo c code to 64bit C#
- A web-based online library system
- Automated low-level analysis and description of diverse intelligent videos (ALADDIN)
- Automated robot for the military system (ARMS)
- Band-aids for broken microprocessors
- Battery Optimizer for Android mobile devices
- Bug tracking system
- Coaching management software
- Combining Kinect and Stereo depth measurements
- Data-efficient robot reinforcement learning
- DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) using throttle algorithm
- Debugging grids with machine learning techniques
- Design and development of speed cash system (SCS)
- Desktop computers vs laptops vs tablet PCs
- Development of a feature-rich practical online leave management system (LMS)
- Diagnosing computer bugs using big data
- Efficient coding technique for aerospace Telecommand system
- Efficient peer to peer similarity query processing for high dimensional data
- Elevator control system
- Energy & power efficient, real-time system scheduling
- File system simulation
- Gaussian processes for Bayesian state estimation
- Gram-based fuzzy keyword search over encrypted data in cloud computing
- Honeypots a security system to identify black hat community in the networks
- Imitation learning in humanoid robots
- Information flow in bargaining scenarios
- Interoperability of 802.11e and 802.11
- Microcontroller-based security system using Sonar
- Mobile apps in the K-12 classroom
- Multi-million dollar maintenance using WLS algorithms
- MultiSpectral Identification Array
- Neural Network AI for FightingICE
- Northeast west south global unified reporting utility (NEW GURU)
- Online voting using Bluetooth enabled mobile phone
- OTD 360 Corsa Plate and PCB Recreation
- Ping Pong Trainer
- Plant Identification Using Tensorflow
- Polar Coordinate Farm Bot Final Project Report
- PolySat Helmholtz Cage
- Pre-touch sensing with sea shell effect
- Privacy-preserving data sharing with anonymous id assignment
- Procedurally Generating Genetic Keys
- Railway anti-collision system with phish plate removal sensing and auto track changing
- Random Oscar Movie Web Application
- Raymarching the Mandelbulb Fractal in VR
- Real Time and High Fidelity Quadcopter Tracking System
- Real-Time Audio-MIDI Controller
- Security issue of cloud-based storage
- Semi-supervised learning using graph kernels
- Senior Project – Roborodentia Robot
- Sense Yo Soles
- Simulation and exploration of hybrid systems via Automata
- Skin Tone Tracking Device (ChromaBand)
- Skylux Smartphone Controlled Skylight
- Slacker News
- Deep Learning Bot
- Small-Scale Intelligent Vehicle Design Platform
- Smart Speaker Integration with LetsHub
- SmartFarm
- SmartGarden
- Smash-scalable multimedia content analysis in a high-level language
- Sockets programming in Python – building a Python chat server
- Software engineering of scientific software
- Software Updates to a Multiple Autonomous Quadcopter Search System (MAQSS)
- Sort-a self-organizing trust model for peer-to-peer systems
- Spirit –spontaneous information and resource sharing
- Streaming MySQL Database Activity to AWS Kinesis
- SublimeSurf
- Tanrox workforce
- The design and implementation of a consolidated middle box architecture
- The Effect of Endgame Tablebases on Modern Chess Engines
- The Following Robot
- Tracking Eye Movements over Source Code
- Underwater Computer Vision – Fish Recognition
- Unique id (UID) management system project
- Unreal Engine 4 RPG
- Visual tracking using spare appearance model
- Water Fun at Exploration Station
- WheelieKing Trainer Project Report
- Wi-Fi-based mobile quiz
- Wireless Window Blinds
- XTC algorithm based scalable wireless ad-hoc networking IEEE
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