Economics Term Paper Topics
Created: 07.03.2019
Updated: 10.04.2020

List of 115 Economics Term Paper Topics
- Analyze the effects of that a dividend tax cut would have on the bond and stock markets?
- Analyze the financial effects of the Kyoto Protocol for both the nations that did and did not sign the agreement.
- Are there financial repercussions as biodiversity in the world declines? What about as the number of endangered species increases?
- Capitalism & Internationalism / Changing Economics
- Chinese and Russian Economies & Politics
- Compose a paper on the biggest challenges facing the U.S. in the next 25 years.
- Democratic Countries of Pacific Asia and Political Suppression
- Disadvantages Of Globalization
- Discuss the differences in tax rates between the richest and poorest classes in the U.S.
- Does the U.N. have a place in determining how countries contribute to developing third world countries?
- Does the U.N. positively or negatively affect the finances of poor countries around the world?
- Economic Policies Of The Grecian P.A.S.O.K
- Economic Theories of Trade
- Economics, Business & International Trade in Norway
- France / U.S. Investment Market
- How are global economics viewed differently around the world? Consider the disparity between the world’s richest and poorest nations.
- How do economic laws differ between the U.S. and European nations?
- How doe governments spend cigarette tax revenues and how have these expenditures been successful or failures?
- How does China’s international trade policy affect other nations’ economies?
- How has the recent Ebola outbreak negatively affected the global travel economy?
- Italian History & Economy
- Kazakhstan / An Economic History
- Polish Stabilization
- Provide an analysis of the evolution of credit and finance in the U.S. in the last 100 years.
- Should the internet be taxed in order to support better network infrastructure in cities?
- Singapore’s Business Climate for Foreign Businesses
- Taxes on alcohol have been instrumental in providing additional revenue, but who pays the majority of these taxes?
- The American System vs The Chinese System
- The Changing Notion of What Constitutes a Successful Nation
- The Economic Development of Pacific Rim Countries
- The U.S. & The World Economy
- Transnational Corporations / Effect On Host Nation
- U.S. Pacific Rim States’ Influence On The Country’s Food Supply
- Understanding Global Economics
- What are the positive, negative or neutral impacts of mobile technology on the global economy?
- What does the rise of renewable or alternative energies have on the economies of the countries of the Middle East?
- What evidence supports the system of reducing the demand for cigarette products by increasing taxes on cigarette products?
- What financial positives or negative exist for creating protective habitats of the world’s species?
- What impact do low emission vehicles have on a nation’s economy? Consider environmental and other related factors.
- What impact does cyber hacking have on the finances of privately owned large corporations?
- What impact does immigration have on local economies? Consider the long term and short term effects.
- What is the theory behind cutting a dividend tax cut in the way it positively or negatively affects a nation’s economy?
- What will be the biggest challenges for the economies of Europe’s nations in the next year?
- Write a winning term paper on the difference between international and domestic finance laws.
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Microeconomics term paper topics
- Cartel Disruption of the Price of Oil
- Cite some challenges that countries at war face in their economies
- Conspicuous Consumption in the Market for Smartphones
- Demand vs. Supply for Clean Energy
- Discuss how creativity can help a company overcome the challenges of the recession
- Discuss how the labor market is affected by supply and demand
- Discuss some of the benefits and disadvantages of starting your own company in the markets today
- Discuss some of the changes that the economy goes through as the seasons turn
- Discuss some relevant marketing trends with respect to pricing in the current economy
- Discuss the effect of the labor unions on the labor market
- Discuss the importance of advertising in the decisions that consumers make when paying for a product
- Discuss the prospect of social media, with an emphasis on companies that have crushed due to their inability to cope
- Discuss the role that economic sanctions have to play in the economies affected
- Discuss the startup, success and product process that make corporations like Rockefeller different from others in the market
- Discuss the supply and demand effect on prices in the oil market worldwide
- Does a Micro/Macro distinction exist in Labor Economics?
- Does Thomas Piketty think about microeconomics?
- Explain how advertising failures can lead to the demise of a company
- Explain how deals like Black Thursday affect the economy
- Explain how pricing is affected by consumer purchase decisions
- Explain how small businesses can rise up to become market leaders in a niche of your choice
- Explain how the food industry is affected by the recession
- Explain some of the challenges that small companies face when competing with the larger companies
- Explain the different types of market structures
- Explain the relationship between taxes and healthcare costs
- Explain the role that social media has to play with an emphasis on successful companies
- How can duopolies be stable?
- Is the Matthew Effect a Microeconomic Concept?
- Is wealth inequality cumulative?
- Perfect Competition for Information
- The Bank of Japan introduced a negative interest rate. Discuss how this is effective
- The Law of Diminishing Returns in Manufacture
- The microeconomics of person to person bartering
- What are the implications of comparative advantage?
- What are the top five microeconomic ideas in the Nobel Prizes for Economics?
- What causes natural monopolies to fail?
- What have been the major microeconomic contributions of the University of Chicago?
- What is efficiency in an age of robots?
- Where is the line between Microeconomics and Game Theory?
Macroeconomics term paper topics
- Analysis of the U.S. foreign trade evolution over in the 21st century.
- Can child labor be justified in the current economic system of Nigeria?
- Causes and consequences of the latest housing crisis in the U.S.
- Discuss how much important is human capital for manufacturing processes. Is it possible human force to be replaced by machines?
- Discuss the reasons shy multinationals join hands for acquisitions and mergers and sign contracts
- Discuss the reasons why recession is increasing throughout the world
- Franchising contribution to the world economy.
- How do uncertain conditions like war, terrorism, inflation, unemployment and disputes effect the gross domestic product of a country
- How does the push for frugality affect the post-recession economy?
- Is child force justified in global economy?
- Is it good for an economy to experience sudden inflation or deflation? Explain with examples
- Show with examples the effect on foreign trade between China and America in the past decade
- The inconsistencies between economic theories and real life.
- The loosening of credit standards over the last decade and its effects on the recent economic crisis.
- The relationship between the country’s politics and its economy.
- The role of foreign trade in the relationships between African countries.
- The role of the technological progress in the growth of economic crisis.
- What are the causes of the economic crisis spreading around the world?
- What are the factors that have contribution in economic growth?
- What impact will the economy face if institutions keep on showing more flexibility on giving loans and credits?
- What is liquidity trap and why does it arise
- What is the basic focus of monetary policy
- What is the drawback of fiscal policy
- What is the importance of franchising for the economy in the world?
- What is the relation between politics and economy in a country?
- What kind of effect do multinational corporations have on the world economy?
- What kind of effect does the loosening of credit standards has on an average American household?
- What were the major reasons for great depression
- Why do share values fall and stock market experiences a decline when something goes wrong in the political setting of a country
- Why models in economy fail when they are applied in reality?
- Why paper currencies have become popular
- Why rich people have control and power in the economy?