Dinner Conversation Topics
Created: 12.12.2019
Updated: 04.03.2020

List of 191 Dinner Conversation Topics
- Are you more of a leader or a follower?
- Can you think of good ways to tell your friends about Jesus?
- Compliment a guests hairstyle, handbag, or shoes if you are comfortable.
- Do you have a cat?
- Do you have a dog?
- Do you have any fears? How would your life be different if you overcame that fear?
- Do you have any siblings?
- Follow up questions about a cats personality.
- For couples, how did you two meet?
- Have you been to any great restaurants lately?
- Have you ever done extreme couponing? If so, what was your best deal?
- Have you ever stuck up for someone who was getting picked on? If not, what will you do next time it happens?
- How are things going at work?
- How can we pray for you today?
- How can you tell someone you love them without using words?
- How many children would you like to have? Why?
- How was your day?
- If I gave you $10 to spend on yourself, what would you buy?
- If the house were on fire and you only had five minutes to get out, what would you grab to take with you?
- If we could do one thing as a family on Thanksgiving that we’ve never done, what would it be?
- If you could ask God one question, what would it be?
- If you could be a character from any book, movie, or TV show, who would you choose and why?
- If you could be a famous person for a week, who would you be and why?
- If you could be animal, what would you be and why?
- If you could be famous for one thing, what would it be and why?
- If you could be the principal of your school for a week, what changes would you make?
- If you could choose a new name for yourself, what would it be?
- If you could choose one award to win (real or made-up
- If you could create any ice cream flavor, what would it be?
- If you could decorate your room any way you want, how would you do it?
- If you could design a theme park, what would it be like?
- If you could eat dinner with 3 people, living or dead, who would you pick?
- If you could eat just one food everyday for a month and nothing else, what would it be?
- If you could eat just one food, every day, for a month, and nothing else – what would it be?
- If you could fix just one problem in the world, what would you pick?
- If you could go anywhere in the world for a week, where would it be?
- If you could go back in time and spend a day with any Bible character, who would you pick and why?
- If you could go on a road trip to anywhere, where would you go?
- If you could have a weird, unusual pet, what would you choose?
- If you could have any animal as a pet, what would you pick?
- If you could have any pet, what would you choose and why?
- If you could have any superpower, which would you choose?
- If you could have dinner with anyone (past or present), who would it be and why?
- If you could have one dream come true, what would it be?
- If you could have one dream come true, which dream would it be?
- If you could invent any holiday, what would you call it and how would it be celebrated?
- If you could look into a crystal ball and see your future in ten years, what would you want it to look like?
- If you could meet any US president, which one would you choose and why?
- If you could only do one thing for a whole day, what would you pick?
- If you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
- If you could only eat three foods the rest of your life, what would they be?
- If you could only keep 3 items from your room, which ones would you pick?
- If you could pick any state to live in and you knew your job would be waiting there, which would you choose and why?
- If you could pick your own name, what would it be?
- If you could play any instrument, what would it be and why?
- If you could produce a movie, what would it be about?
- If you could see your future, where will you be in ten years?
- If you could stay up all night, what would you do?
- If you could talk to everyone in the entire world for 5 minutes, what would you want to say?
- If you could talk to your whole school all at once, what would you say?
- If you could time travel, where and when would you go first? Why?
- If you could time travel, would you go to the past or the future first?
- If you could trade places with someone you know would you do it? Who would it be and why?
- If you could trade places with your parents for a day, how would you do things differently?
- If you could trade places with your parents for a day, what would you do differently?
- If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?
- If you could travel back in time, where would you go?
- If you couldn’t watch TV or go online for a month, how would you spend that time?
- If you had $100 to spend to help people, how would you spend the money?
- If you had endless money and supplies, what invention would you make and why?
- If you had just one wish, and it couldn’t be for more wishes, what would you wish for, and why?
- If you had one wish (and you can’t wish for more wishes), what would you wish for and why?
- If you had the attention of the world for just 10 seconds, what would you say?
- If you had the opportunity to meet one person you haven’t met who would it be, why and what would you talk about?
- If you had to give up one of these forever, would you choose television or music from any source?
- If you had to go out and get a job today, where would you want to work and why?
- If you had to live in another country, which one would you choose?
- If you had to lose one of your five senses, which would you choose and why?
- If you had to write a book about anything, what would you pick?
- If you were in a band or managed a sports team, what would you call it?
- If you were invisible for a day, what would you want to observe?
- If you were to win the mega lottery, what’s the first thing you would buy for yourself?
- If your parents went on a month-long vacation and you could live with anyone you wanted while they were gone, who would you want to live with?
- Is it ever ok to tell a lie? Can you think of an example?
- Is there someone in your life who you are struggling with? How can you show them the love of Jesus?
- Name one time when someone has shown you a lot of love.
- Share your favorite joke with us.
- Shared memories of childhood pets or dogs can be triggered from questions about pets and lead into a fun, light conversation and ways to connect.
- Tell me about a time when you did the right thing and it was hard.
- Tell me about a time when you had to be really brave.
- Tell me about your most embarrassing moment.
- Tell us something that you wish you were really good at.
- Tell us something that you’re really good at.
- What age would you want to remain for the duration of your life?
- What are some important qualities your future spouse needs to have?
- What are some things you would like to accomplish before you die?
- What are the qualities that make a good friend?
- What are the qualities that make you a good friend?
- What country would you love to visit? Why?
- What did you do last night?
- What do you feel like children understand better than adults?
- What do you think has been the best day of your life so far?
- What do you think heaven is like?
- What do you think is your best quality? What about biggest weakness?
- What do you want to be when you grow up and why?
- What does your dream home look like?
- What has been the happiest day of your life so far and why?
- What is a characteristic you really admire about someone in this family? (Make sure everyone gets praised!
- What is one goal you have for this year? What’s a step you can take today to help you reach that goal?
- What is one meal you hope we don’t serve again? What food do you wish we ate more often?
- What is one of your bad habits?
- What is one of your earliest memories?
- What is one thing you are grateful for today?
- What is one thing you could have done better today?
- What is one thing you couldn’t live without?
- What is one thing you have a strong commitment to never do?
- What is one way you helped another person today?
- What is one way you saw God working today?
- What is something that annoys you or makes you angry?
- What is something you feel like you are talented at? How can you use that for God’s glory?
- What is something you want to learn how to do and why?
- What is the biggest struggle in your life right now? How can we be praying for you?
- What is the craziest thing you’ve ever eaten?
- What is the most beautiful place you have ever seen?
- What is the nicest thing a friend has ever done for you?
- What is the perfect combination of pizza toppings?
- What is your biggest fear?
- What is your earliest memory?
- What is your favorite Bible story and why?
- What is your favorite board game and why?
- What is your favorite book and why?
- What is your favorite childhood memory?
- What is your favorite chore? What is your least favorite chore?
- What is your favorite family tradition?
- What is your favorite family tradition? How can we make it even better/more meaningful?
- What is your favorite holiday and why?
- What is your favorite movie and why?
- What is your favorite movie or TV show and why?
- What is your favorite season and why?
- What is your favorite sport to play?
- What is your favorite thing to do when you’re by yourself?
- What is your favorite thing to do with your friends?
- What is your favorite way to relax?
- What is your favorite worship song? Why is it important to you?
- What is your greatest talent or ability?
- What is your idea of the perfect day?
- What is your least favorite chore?
- What is your most embarrassing moment?
- What kind of projects are you working on recently?
- What one thing would you really like to do as a family?
- What three words would you use to describe yourself?
- What two items would you grab if your house was on fire?
- What was the best part of your day?
- What was the best part of your day? How about the worst?
- What was the greatest invention, ever?
- What was the worst job you ever held and why?
- What was your biggest surprise ever?
- What would be your ideal sandwich?
- What would you do if you found a big bag of cash at the park?
- What would you do if you knew your best friend or sibling was stealing?
- What would you do if you were a king or a queen?
- What would you do if you were invisible for a day?
- What would you do if you won the lottery?
- What’s one decision you’ve made that you wish you could change?
- What’s something you would love to do on a rainy afternoon?
- What’s the best surprise you ever received?
- What’s the most interesting thing you’ve learned in school this year?
- When do you feel loved the most?
- When were you happiest in life and why?
- When you are a parent, what traditions from our family would you like to carry on? What things would you change?
- When you are sad or angry, what do you do to deal with that? How can we help?
- When you grow up, where would you like to live?
- Where do you see yourself in 5 years? How about 10? 50?
- Where is the most beautiful place you have ever been?
- Where would you like to go on our next family vacation?
- Which Bible character would you like to meet?
- Which character in a book best describes you and why?
- Which distant family member do you wish could come visit us today?
- Which is your favorite vacation spot—beach, mountain, desert, or city?
- Which of our family rules do you agree with? Are there any that you think are unfair?
- Which of the fruits of the Spirit (See Galatians 5:22-23
- Which person would you most like to visit right now? Why?
- Who have you learned the most from so far?
- Who is one person in your life you are thankful for and why?
- Who is one person you would love to get to know better?
- Who is your best friend and why?
- Who is your best friend? What do you like about them? Is there anything you don’t?
- Who is your favorite adult (teacher, coach, babysitter
- Who makes you laugh more than anyone else?
- Would you rather be a movie star, a pro athlete, or the leader of a country?
- Would you rather be able to fly, be invisible, or read minds, and why?